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Datum plaatsing: 04-01-2016 21:17:00

New York Times krijgt Wang wel aan het praten

Waar het voor jan en alleman blijkbaar nogal moeilijk is om duidelijke taal te krijgen van eigenaar Wang, lukt het de New York Times in een interview wel....

In een uitgebreid artikel over de Chinese overname van ADO Den Haag (klik  HIER voor het linkje!),

zegt Wang interessante dingen die sommigen mensen nog niet eerder van hem hoorden....

Wat dachten we van:

Wang, in an interview in his Beijing office, said he was merely recalculating his strategy, but he also pointedly said that he was under no obligation to do more than he had.

After I pay the takeover, the club is mine,” he said. “It is my business in terms of how much I will invest in the club.”

Maar belangrijker is het volgende:

On the 22nd floor of a building in downtown Beijing, Wang keeps a small green and yellow ADO Den Haag pennant pinned to his bookcase. He was not hard to locate, and he quickly agreed to an interview.
Wang maintained that his plans for revitalizing ADO remain unchanged. He promised that he still had the best intentions for the club and that the $4.1 million would be paid.

I hope that ADO can get in to the top five clubs in Eredivisie in three years — that’s my goal,” he said. “To achieve this goal, we can invest more money and do whatever necessary.”

Wang also partly blamed cultural differences for the current tension (...)

The club thinks in a very simple way, ‘You’ve said you will invest, so you should invest,’ ” Wang said. “But they are intervening the boss’s decision-making process. You can offer suggestions. But now the circumstances are different, and I need to adjust my strategy.”

When asked specifically about the missed payments, Wang said the money was “not a promise because I don’t need to promise anything to anyone in terms of investing more money into my own club.”
He added, “But as long as you want to do better and you don’t have enough money to do so, of course I’m willing to help.”

Samenvattend: cultuurverschillen of niet, Wang geeft aan dat hij niet beloofd heeft geld over te maken, omdat hij aan niemand verantwoording verschuldigd is, aangezien hij de eigenaar van de club is en alleen hij de (lange termijn) strategie bepaalt.